Unlock the Power of Gamification with Game Manager

October 08, 2023, 09:05 GMT
Transform your customer experience with gamified marketing strategies, driving participation, engagement, and growth.

In today’s digital age, gamification is a vital strategy for enhancing customer engagement. Evolving Systems proudly introduces Game Manager, a groundbreaking tool to supercharge your marketing endeavors.
Gamification: More Than Just a Buzzword

Game Manager’s inception is rooted in compelling data:

  • A staggering 53% of members express interest in game mechanics, with 81% utilizing them when accessible.
  • Generational data reveals that interest ranges from 85% to 81% from Gen Z to Gen X.
  • Incorporating these mechanics can elevate user enjoyment by an unparalleled 1.7 times.

(Source: The Loyalty Report 2019 – Bond Brand, Global panel of 55K consumers)

The implication? By tapping into game-like experiences, brands can foster meaningful interactions, bolster engagement, and witness exponential growth across pivotal metrics like sales, CLV, ARPU, and tenure.

Dive Deep into Game Manager: An innovative SaaS solution by Evolving Systems, Game Manager facilitates businesses to design, configure, and roll out effortlessly HTML5 Mini Games and Reveal Mechanics aligned with their brand and promotional goals. It also offers optional marketing services to refine engagement tactics further.

Seamless Integration with Evolution: Game Manager’s brilliance lies in its harmonious synchronization with Evolution, a robust Customer Engagement Platform. This integration fortifies Game Manager to act as a personalized game publishing hub, offering:

  • A rich Game Library.
  • Efficient customer eligibility checks and token generation.
  • Personalized rewards based on the Next Best Offers
  • Integration of game assets with reward offers and much more.

Salient Features of Game Manager:

  • Seamless Integration: Compatible with Evolution and other prominent Reward Systems.
  • Tailored Game Attributes: Personalize games with your font, color, and size choice.
  • Cloud-Driven & Multi-Tenant: Scalable for diverse client requirements.
  • Flawless Synchronization: Direct integration with Evolution through the Mobile Application Gateway.

Redefining the Gaming Proposition: With Game Manager, businesses can meticulously build their gamified propositions from Pre-Play to Win stages. Whether it’s Pay to Play, creating a digital game experience, or orchestrating prize/voucher delivery, Game Manager covers all bases.

Distinctive Edge in the Marketplace

Its integration with Evolution distinguishes Game Manager from the competition. This melding ensures unmatched personalization, gamification features, and reward management.

Answer the Call to Redefine Engagement

It’s time to embrace the future of customer interactions. With Game Manager, brands can craft unforgettable gamified experiences.

We invite you to explore the transformative power of Game Manager. Visit our website, download our comprehensive brochure, or book a consultation to explore what Game Manager can do for you. 

About Evolving Systems

Evolving Systems, is a provider of software and services to 100 customers in over 60 countries worldwide. The Company’s product portfolio includes market-leading activation products that address subscriber service activation, SIM card activation, mobile broadband activation as well as the activation of connected devices. Founded in 1985 with offices in the United States, United Kingdom, Spain and India. For more information please visit: evolving.com

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